Lunn TJ, Jackson RT, Webala PW, Ogola J, Forbes KM (2024) Modern buildings are a landscape-level driver of bat-human exposure risk in Kenya. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (in press).
Uusitalo RJ, Jackson RT, Lunn TJ, Korhonen EM, Ogola JG, Webala PW, Sironen TA, Forbes KM (2024) Current and future environmental suitability for bats hosting potential zoonotic pathogens in rural Kenya. Ecology and Evolution (in press).
Roffler AA, Maurer DP, Lunn TJ, Sironen T, Forbes KM, Schmidt AG (2024) Bat humoral immunity and its role in viral pathogenesis, transmission, and zoonosis. Frontiers in Immunology (in press).
Mistrick J, Kitchen SM, Veitch JSM, Clague S, Newman BC, Hall RJ, Budischak SA, Forbes KM, Craft ME. (2024) Effects of food addition and helminth removal on space use and spatial overlap in wild rodent populations. Journal of Animal Ecology (in press, online ahead of print).
Jackson, R Lunn TJ, DeAnglis I, Ogola J, Webala PW, Forbes KM (2024) Anthropogenic structures promote frequent and intense contact between humans and bats in rural Kenya. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18, e0011988.
Lunn TJ, Jackson R, Webala PW, Ogola J, Forbes KM (2024) Kenyan free-tailed bats demonstrate seasonal birth pulse asynchrony with implications for virus maintenance. EcoHealth
Mull N, Erdin M, Smura T, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) A new orthohantavirus in Hispid Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus): Ozark virus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 2576-2578.
Mull N, Seifert S, Forbes KM (2023) A framework for understanding and predicting orthohantavirus functional traits. Trends in Microbiology 32, 1102-1110.
Jackson R, Webala PW, Ogola J, Lunn TJ, Forbes KM (2023) Roost selection by synanthropic bats in rural Kenya: implications for human-wildlife conflict and zoonotic pathogen spillover. Royal Society Open Science 10, 230578230578.
Mull N, Schexnayder A, Stolt A, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) Effects of habitat management on rodent diversity, abundance, and virus infection dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10039.
Kareinen L, Airas N, Kotka ST, Masika MM, Aaltonen K, Anzala O, Ogola J, Webala PW, Vapalahti O, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) No substantial histopathologic changes in wild Mops condylurus bats naturally infected with Bombali ebolavirus, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 1029-1032.
Mull N, Carlson C, Forbes KM, Becker D (2022) Virus isolation data improve host predictions for New World rodent orthohantaviruses. Journal of Animal Ecology 91, 1290-1302.
Brandell EE, Becker DJ, Sampson L, Forbes KM. (2021) Demography, education, and research trends in the interdisciplinary field of disease ecology. Ecology and Evolution 11, 17581-17592.
Ogola J, Alburkat H, Masika M, Korhonen E, Uusitalo R, Nyaga P, Anzala O, Valalahti O, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2021) Sero-evidence of zoonotic viruses in rodents and humans in Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi, Kenya. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 21, 973-978.
Carlson CJ, Farrell MJ, Grange Z, Han BA, Mollentze N, Phelan AL, Rasmussen AL, Albery GF, Bett B, Brett-Major DM, Cohen LE, Dallas T, Eskew EA, Fagre AC, Forbes KM, Gibb R, Halabi S, Hammer CC, Katz R, Kindrachuk J, Muylaert RL, Nutter FB, Ogola J, Olival KJ, Rourke M, Ryan SJ, Ross N, Seifert SN, Sironen T, Standley CJ, Taylor K, Venter M, Webala PW (2021) The future of zoonotic risk prediction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1837):20200358.
Forbes KM, Anzala O, Carlson CJ, Kelvin AA, Kuppalli K, Leroy EM, Maganga GD, Masika MM, Mombo IM, Mwaengo DM, Niama RF, Nziza J, Ogola J, Pickering BS, Rasmussen AL, Sironen T, Vapalahti O, Webala PW, Kindrachuk J. (2021) Towards a coordinated strategy for intercepting human disease emergence in Africa. The Lancet Microbe 2: E51-E52.
Douglas KO, Cayol C, Forbes KM, Samuels TA, Vapalahti O, Sironen T, Gittens-St. Hilaire M. (2021) Serological evidence of multiple zoonotic virus infections among wild rodents in Barbados. Pathogens 10(6):663.
Kareinen L, Ogola J, Kivistö I, Smura T, Aaltonen K, Jääskeläinen AJ, Kibiwot S, Masika MM, Nyaga P, Mwaengo D, Anzala O, Vapalahti O, Webala PW, Forbes KM, Sironen T. (2020) Range expansion of Bombali virus in Mops condylurus bats, Kenya 2019. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26 (12). (doi:10.3201/eid2612.202925)
Forbes KM. (2020) Ecoimmunology at spatial scales. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 2210-2213. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13296)
Mull N, Jackson R, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2020) Ecology of neglected rodent-borne American orthohantaviruses. Pathogens 9 (325). (doi:
Strandin T, Smura T, Ahola P, Aaltonen K, Sironen T, Hepojoki J, Eckerle I, Ulrich RG, Vapalahti O, Kipar A, Forbes KM. (2020). Orthohantavirus isolated in reservoir host cells displays minimal genetic changes and retains wild-type infection properties. Viruses 12 (4). (doi: 10.3390/v12040457)
Kivistö I, Kyheröinen E-M, Lilley T, Suominen K, Forbes KM, Vapalahti O, Huovilainen A, Sironen T. (2020) First report of coronaviruses in northern European bats. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 20: 155-158. (
Forbes KM, Webala PW, Jääskeläinen AJ, Abdurahman S, Ogola J, Masika MM, Kivistö I, Alburkat H, Plyusnin I, Levanov L, Korhonen EM, Huhtamo E, Mwaengo D, Smura T, Mirazimi A, Anzala O, Vapalahti O, Sironen T. (2019). Bombali virus in Mops Condylurus bat, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases 25, 955-957.
Linnakoski R, Kasanen R, Dounavi A, Forbes KM. Editorial: Forest health under climate change: effects on tree resilience, and pest and pathogen dynamics. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (1157). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.01157).
Linnakoski R, Forbes KM. (2019). Pathogens – the hidden face of forest invasions by wood-boring insect pests. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (90). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00090).
Uusitalo R, Siljander M, Culverwell CL, Mutai NC, Forbes KM, Vapalahti O, Pellikka PKE. (2019). Predictive mapping of mosquito distribution based on environmental and anthropogenic factors in Taita Hills, Kenya. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 76, 84-92.
Becker DJ, Hall RJ, Forbes KM, Plowright RK, Altizer SM. (2018) Anthropogenic resource subsidies and host–parasite dynamics in wildlife. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 737(1745) (doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0086).
Altizer SM, Becker DJ, Epstein JH, Forbes KM, Gillespie TR, Hall RJ, Hawley D, Hernandez SM, Martin LB, Plowright RK, Satterfield DA, Streicker DG. (2018) Food for contagion: synthesis and future directions for studying host–parasite responses to resource shifts in anthropogenic environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 337(1745) (doi10.1098/rstb.2017.0102)
Strandin T, Babayan SA, Forbes KM. (2018) Reviewing the effects of food provisioning on wildlife immunity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 337 (1745)20170088. (doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0088).
Forbes KM, Sironen T, Plyusnin A. (2018) Hantavirus maintenance and transmission in reservoir host populations. Current Opinion in Virology 28, 1-6. (Epub doi:10.1016/j.coviro.2017.09.003)
Linnakoski R, Sugano J, Junttila S, Pulkkinen P, Asiegbu FO, Forbes KM. (2017) Effects of water availability on a forestry pathosystem: fungal strain-specific variation in disease severity. Scientific Reports 7 (13501). (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13512-y)
Linnakoski R, Forbes KM, Wingfield MJ, Pulkkinen P, Asiegbu FO. (2017) Testing projected climate change conditions on the Endoconidiophora polonica/Norway spruce pathosystem shows fungal strain specific effects. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (883). (doi:
Antwis RE, Griffiths SM, Harrison XA, Aranega-Bou P, Arce A, Bettridge AS, Brailsford FL, de Menezes A, Devaynes A, Forbes KM, Fry EL, Goodhead I, Haskell E, Heys C, James C, Johnston SR, Lewis GR, Lewis Z, Macey MC, McCarthy A, McDonald JE, Mejia-Florez NL, O'Brien D, Orland C, Pautasso M, Reid WDK, Robinson HA, Wilson K, Sutherland WJ. (2017) Fifty important research questions in microbial ecology. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (5). (doi:10.1093/femsec/fix044)
López-Baucells A, Rocha R, Andriatafika Z, Tojosoa T, Kemp J, Forbes KM, Cabeza M. (2017) Roost selection by synanthropic bats in rural Madagascar: what makes non-traditional structures so tempting? Hystrix 23 (1). (doi:
López-Baucells A, Rocha R, Webala P, Nair A, Uusitalo R, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2016) Rapid assessment of bat diversity in the Taita Hills Afromontane cloud forests, southeastern Kenya. Barbastella 9 (1). (doi:
Fevola C, Forbes KM, Mäkelä S, Putkuri N, Hauffe HC, Kallio-Kokko H, Mustonen J, Jääskeläinen AJ, Vaheri A. (2016) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Ljungan and orthopoxvirus seroconversions in patients hospitalized due to acute Puumala hantavirus infection. Journal of Clinical Virology 84, 48-52.
Forbes KM, Mappes T, Sironen T, Strandin T, Stuart P, Meri S, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2016) Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections. Biology Letters 12, 20160471. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0471)
Forbes KM, Henttonen H, Hirvelä-Koski V, Kipar A, Mappes T, Stuart P, Huitu O. (2015) Food provisioning alters infection dynamics in populations of a wild rodent. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282, 20151939. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.1939)
Mölsä M, Hemmilä H, Katz A, Niemimaa J, Forbes KM, Huitu O, Stuart P, Henttonen H, Nikkari S. (2015) Monitoring biothreat agents (Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis) with a portable real-time PCR instrument. Journal of Microbial Methods 115, 89-93.
Forbes KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Food resources and intestinal parasites as limiting factors for boreal vole populations during winter. Ecology 95, 3139-3148.
Rossow HE, Forbes KM, Tarkka E, Kinnunen P, Hemmilä H, Huitu O, Nikkari S, Henttonen H, Kipar A, Vapalahti O. (2014) Experimental infection of voles with Francisella tularensis indicates their amplification role in tularemia outbreaks. PLoS One 9, e108864. (doi:
Huitu O, Forbes KM, Helander M, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Lambin X, Saikkonen K, Stuart P, Sulkama S, Hartley S. (2014) Silicon, endophytes and secondary metabolites as grass defenses against mammalian herbivores. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (478). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00478)
Forbes KM, Voutilainen L, Jääskeläine A, Sironen T, Kinnunen P, Stuart P, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Serological survey of rodent-borne viruses in Finnish field voles. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 14, 78-83.
Forbes KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Hoset KS, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Diet quality limits summer growth of field vole populations. PLoS One 9 (3), e91113. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091113)
2013 and earlier
Forbes KM, Huitu O, Sironen T, Voutilainen L, Stuart P, Niemimaa J, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H. (2013) Experimental investigation of a hantavirus host-switch between arvicoline rodents Lemmus lemmus and Myodes glareolus. Journal of Vector Ecology 38, 408-410.
Bolton KJ, McCaw JM, Forbes KM, Nathan P, Robins G, Pattison P, Nolan T, McVernon J. (2012) Influence of contact definitions in assessment of the relative importance of social settings in disease transmission risk. PLoS One 7 (2), e30893. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030893)
Ilic D, Forbes KM, Hassed C. (2011) Lycopene for the prevention of prostate cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 (11), CD008007. (doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008007.pub2)
Ilic D, Forbes KM. (2010) Undergraduate medical student perceptions and use of evidence based medicine: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education 10 (58). (doi:
McCaw JM, Forbes KM, Nathan PM, Pattison PE, Robins GL, Nolan TM, McVernon J. (2010) Comparison of three methods for ascertainment of contact information relevant to respiratory pathogen transmission in encounter networks. BMC Infectious Diseases 10 (166). (doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-166)
Ilic D, Forbes KM. (2010) Integrating evidence based medicine into the medical curriculum: barriers, enablers and implementation strategies. Medical Teacher 32, 443-444.
Forbes KM, Mathews JD. (2009) Exploring influenza as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Australasian Epidemiologist 16, 23-29.
Lunn TJ, Jackson RT, Webala PW, Ogola J, Forbes KM (2024) Modern buildings are a landscape-level driver of bat-human exposure risk in Kenya. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (in press).
Uusitalo RJ, Jackson RT, Lunn TJ, Korhonen EM, Ogola JG, Webala PW, Sironen TA, Forbes KM (2024) Current and future environmental suitability for bats hosting potential zoonotic pathogens in rural Kenya. Ecology and Evolution (in press).
Roffler AA, Maurer DP, Lunn TJ, Sironen T, Forbes KM, Schmidt AG (2024) Bat humoral immunity and its role in viral pathogenesis, transmission, and zoonosis. Frontiers in Immunology (in press).
Mistrick J, Kitchen SM, Veitch JSM, Clague S, Newman BC, Hall RJ, Budischak SA, Forbes KM, Craft ME. (2024) Effects of food addition and helminth removal on space use and spatial overlap in wild rodent populations. Journal of Animal Ecology (in press, online ahead of print).
Jackson, R Lunn TJ, DeAnglis I, Ogola J, Webala PW, Forbes KM (2024) Anthropogenic structures promote frequent and intense contact between humans and bats in rural Kenya. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18, e0011988.
Lunn TJ, Jackson R, Webala PW, Ogola J, Forbes KM (2024) Kenyan free-tailed bats demonstrate seasonal birth pulse asynchrony with implications for virus maintenance. EcoHealth
Mull N, Erdin M, Smura T, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) A new orthohantavirus in Hispid Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus): Ozark virus. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 2576-2578.
Mull N, Seifert S, Forbes KM (2023) A framework for understanding and predicting orthohantavirus functional traits. Trends in Microbiology 32, 1102-1110.
Jackson R, Webala PW, Ogola J, Lunn TJ, Forbes KM (2023) Roost selection by synanthropic bats in rural Kenya: implications for human-wildlife conflict and zoonotic pathogen spillover. Royal Society Open Science 10, 230578230578.
Mull N, Schexnayder A, Stolt A, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) Effects of habitat management on rodent diversity, abundance, and virus infection dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10039.
Kareinen L, Airas N, Kotka ST, Masika MM, Aaltonen K, Anzala O, Ogola J, Webala PW, Vapalahti O, Sironen T, Forbes KM (2023) No substantial histopathologic changes in wild Mops condylurus bats naturally infected with Bombali ebolavirus, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 1029-1032.
Mull N, Carlson C, Forbes KM, Becker D (2022) Virus isolation data improve host predictions for New World rodent orthohantaviruses. Journal of Animal Ecology 91, 1290-1302.
Brandell EE, Becker DJ, Sampson L, Forbes KM. (2021) Demography, education, and research trends in the interdisciplinary field of disease ecology. Ecology and Evolution 11, 17581-17592.
Ogola J, Alburkat H, Masika M, Korhonen E, Uusitalo R, Nyaga P, Anzala O, Valalahti O, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2021) Sero-evidence of zoonotic viruses in rodents and humans in Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi, Kenya. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 21, 973-978.
Carlson CJ, Farrell MJ, Grange Z, Han BA, Mollentze N, Phelan AL, Rasmussen AL, Albery GF, Bett B, Brett-Major DM, Cohen LE, Dallas T, Eskew EA, Fagre AC, Forbes KM, Gibb R, Halabi S, Hammer CC, Katz R, Kindrachuk J, Muylaert RL, Nutter FB, Ogola J, Olival KJ, Rourke M, Ryan SJ, Ross N, Seifert SN, Sironen T, Standley CJ, Taylor K, Venter M, Webala PW (2021) The future of zoonotic risk prediction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1837):20200358.
Forbes KM, Anzala O, Carlson CJ, Kelvin AA, Kuppalli K, Leroy EM, Maganga GD, Masika MM, Mombo IM, Mwaengo DM, Niama RF, Nziza J, Ogola J, Pickering BS, Rasmussen AL, Sironen T, Vapalahti O, Webala PW, Kindrachuk J. (2021) Towards a coordinated strategy for intercepting human disease emergence in Africa. The Lancet Microbe 2: E51-E52.
Douglas KO, Cayol C, Forbes KM, Samuels TA, Vapalahti O, Sironen T, Gittens-St. Hilaire M. (2021) Serological evidence of multiple zoonotic virus infections among wild rodents in Barbados. Pathogens 10(6):663.
Kareinen L, Ogola J, Kivistö I, Smura T, Aaltonen K, Jääskeläinen AJ, Kibiwot S, Masika MM, Nyaga P, Mwaengo D, Anzala O, Vapalahti O, Webala PW, Forbes KM, Sironen T. (2020) Range expansion of Bombali virus in Mops condylurus bats, Kenya 2019. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26 (12). (doi:10.3201/eid2612.202925)
Forbes KM. (2020) Ecoimmunology at spatial scales. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 2210-2213. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13296)
Mull N, Jackson R, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2020) Ecology of neglected rodent-borne American orthohantaviruses. Pathogens 9 (325). (doi:
Strandin T, Smura T, Ahola P, Aaltonen K, Sironen T, Hepojoki J, Eckerle I, Ulrich RG, Vapalahti O, Kipar A, Forbes KM. (2020). Orthohantavirus isolated in reservoir host cells displays minimal genetic changes and retains wild-type infection properties. Viruses 12 (4). (doi: 10.3390/v12040457)
Kivistö I, Kyheröinen E-M, Lilley T, Suominen K, Forbes KM, Vapalahti O, Huovilainen A, Sironen T. (2020) First report of coronaviruses in northern European bats. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 20: 155-158. (
Forbes KM, Webala PW, Jääskeläinen AJ, Abdurahman S, Ogola J, Masika MM, Kivistö I, Alburkat H, Plyusnin I, Levanov L, Korhonen EM, Huhtamo E, Mwaengo D, Smura T, Mirazimi A, Anzala O, Vapalahti O, Sironen T. (2019). Bombali virus in Mops Condylurus bat, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases 25, 955-957.
Linnakoski R, Kasanen R, Dounavi A, Forbes KM. Editorial: Forest health under climate change: effects on tree resilience, and pest and pathogen dynamics. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (1157). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.01157).
Linnakoski R, Forbes KM. (2019). Pathogens – the hidden face of forest invasions by wood-boring insect pests. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (90). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00090).
Uusitalo R, Siljander M, Culverwell CL, Mutai NC, Forbes KM, Vapalahti O, Pellikka PKE. (2019). Predictive mapping of mosquito distribution based on environmental and anthropogenic factors in Taita Hills, Kenya. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 76, 84-92.
Becker DJ, Hall RJ, Forbes KM, Plowright RK, Altizer SM. (2018) Anthropogenic resource subsidies and host–parasite dynamics in wildlife. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 737(1745) (doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0086).
Altizer SM, Becker DJ, Epstein JH, Forbes KM, Gillespie TR, Hall RJ, Hawley D, Hernandez SM, Martin LB, Plowright RK, Satterfield DA, Streicker DG. (2018) Food for contagion: synthesis and future directions for studying host–parasite responses to resource shifts in anthropogenic environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 337(1745) (doi10.1098/rstb.2017.0102)
Strandin T, Babayan SA, Forbes KM. (2018) Reviewing the effects of food provisioning on wildlife immunity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 337 (1745)20170088. (doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0088).
Forbes KM, Sironen T, Plyusnin A. (2018) Hantavirus maintenance and transmission in reservoir host populations. Current Opinion in Virology 28, 1-6. (Epub doi:10.1016/j.coviro.2017.09.003)
Linnakoski R, Sugano J, Junttila S, Pulkkinen P, Asiegbu FO, Forbes KM. (2017) Effects of water availability on a forestry pathosystem: fungal strain-specific variation in disease severity. Scientific Reports 7 (13501). (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13512-y)
Linnakoski R, Forbes KM, Wingfield MJ, Pulkkinen P, Asiegbu FO. (2017) Testing projected climate change conditions on the Endoconidiophora polonica/Norway spruce pathosystem shows fungal strain specific effects. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (883). (doi:
Antwis RE, Griffiths SM, Harrison XA, Aranega-Bou P, Arce A, Bettridge AS, Brailsford FL, de Menezes A, Devaynes A, Forbes KM, Fry EL, Goodhead I, Haskell E, Heys C, James C, Johnston SR, Lewis GR, Lewis Z, Macey MC, McCarthy A, McDonald JE, Mejia-Florez NL, O'Brien D, Orland C, Pautasso M, Reid WDK, Robinson HA, Wilson K, Sutherland WJ. (2017) Fifty important research questions in microbial ecology. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (5). (doi:10.1093/femsec/fix044)
López-Baucells A, Rocha R, Andriatafika Z, Tojosoa T, Kemp J, Forbes KM, Cabeza M. (2017) Roost selection by synanthropic bats in rural Madagascar: what makes non-traditional structures so tempting? Hystrix 23 (1). (doi:
López-Baucells A, Rocha R, Webala P, Nair A, Uusitalo R, Sironen T, Forbes KM. (2016) Rapid assessment of bat diversity in the Taita Hills Afromontane cloud forests, southeastern Kenya. Barbastella 9 (1). (doi:
Fevola C, Forbes KM, Mäkelä S, Putkuri N, Hauffe HC, Kallio-Kokko H, Mustonen J, Jääskeläinen AJ, Vaheri A. (2016) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Ljungan and orthopoxvirus seroconversions in patients hospitalized due to acute Puumala hantavirus infection. Journal of Clinical Virology 84, 48-52.
Forbes KM, Mappes T, Sironen T, Strandin T, Stuart P, Meri S, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2016) Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections. Biology Letters 12, 20160471. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0471)
Forbes KM, Henttonen H, Hirvelä-Koski V, Kipar A, Mappes T, Stuart P, Huitu O. (2015) Food provisioning alters infection dynamics in populations of a wild rodent. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282, 20151939. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.1939)
Mölsä M, Hemmilä H, Katz A, Niemimaa J, Forbes KM, Huitu O, Stuart P, Henttonen H, Nikkari S. (2015) Monitoring biothreat agents (Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis) with a portable real-time PCR instrument. Journal of Microbial Methods 115, 89-93.
Forbes KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Food resources and intestinal parasites as limiting factors for boreal vole populations during winter. Ecology 95, 3139-3148.
Rossow HE, Forbes KM, Tarkka E, Kinnunen P, Hemmilä H, Huitu O, Nikkari S, Henttonen H, Kipar A, Vapalahti O. (2014) Experimental infection of voles with Francisella tularensis indicates their amplification role in tularemia outbreaks. PLoS One 9, e108864. (doi:
Huitu O, Forbes KM, Helander M, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Lambin X, Saikkonen K, Stuart P, Sulkama S, Hartley S. (2014) Silicon, endophytes and secondary metabolites as grass defenses against mammalian herbivores. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (478). (doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00478)
Forbes KM, Voutilainen L, Jääskeläine A, Sironen T, Kinnunen P, Stuart P, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Serological survey of rodent-borne viruses in Finnish field voles. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 14, 78-83.
Forbes KM, Stuart P, Mappes T, Hoset KS, Henttonen H, Huitu O. (2014) Diet quality limits summer growth of field vole populations. PLoS One 9 (3), e91113. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091113)
2013 and earlier
Forbes KM, Huitu O, Sironen T, Voutilainen L, Stuart P, Niemimaa J, Vapalahti O, Henttonen H. (2013) Experimental investigation of a hantavirus host-switch between arvicoline rodents Lemmus lemmus and Myodes glareolus. Journal of Vector Ecology 38, 408-410.
Bolton KJ, McCaw JM, Forbes KM, Nathan P, Robins G, Pattison P, Nolan T, McVernon J. (2012) Influence of contact definitions in assessment of the relative importance of social settings in disease transmission risk. PLoS One 7 (2), e30893. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030893)
Ilic D, Forbes KM, Hassed C. (2011) Lycopene for the prevention of prostate cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 (11), CD008007. (doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008007.pub2)
Ilic D, Forbes KM. (2010) Undergraduate medical student perceptions and use of evidence based medicine: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education 10 (58). (doi:
McCaw JM, Forbes KM, Nathan PM, Pattison PE, Robins GL, Nolan TM, McVernon J. (2010) Comparison of three methods for ascertainment of contact information relevant to respiratory pathogen transmission in encounter networks. BMC Infectious Diseases 10 (166). (doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-166)
Ilic D, Forbes KM. (2010) Integrating evidence based medicine into the medical curriculum: barriers, enablers and implementation strategies. Medical Teacher 32, 443-444.
Forbes KM, Mathews JD. (2009) Exploring influenza as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Australasian Epidemiologist 16, 23-29.